Greeting Helldiver. Join me for a little scenery enjoyment. Relaxed Helldiver is a deadly Helldiver
Finished my 3D Printed MG 43
I wonder when we'll have more exosuit varians
My humble suggestions to the Devs + image template
couldn’t help myself
Increased FRV Cooldown affecting every stratgem has been supposedly fixed
Most treasonous act - leaving your bro without a hug...
Mr President they hit the Second Planet
No way bro messed up this bad twice
Does anyone know how to do this?
Today I found out about snowball fights
Why Arrowhead?
I finally got them all!
We need these in HD2 (please AH answer my prayers)
OC - Stay tuned guys, this one is going to be a challenging paint I will post the final result
This is the first time I've seen how this little bug in a jar cause a bug breach
Where is this picture from?
They don't have enough processing power to understand what's going on
"Next time how about you ask your toaster what its preferred income tax rate is, hmm?!?!"
SnakeDivers back in action!
Umm has anyone else gotten a message from Super Earth in a language different from what the game is set to?
A little encouragement for y'all.
Well, I guess we better get to killing huh lads?
Shotgun axe