looking at offers for these , no exotic rarity and below. multiple pics attached
currently looking for moonstones, lurkerfish and skelefish
exalted relics for trade, coz I don't need them atm
LF Moby
looking at offers, no exotic rarity and below
LF boots
"I'm gonna quit the game once I got the Flying Dutchman"💔🥀
Does boots even exist?
me cause I’m to lazy to get 1.2m for prism rod
Lf fish with minty and supercharged eels
who needs relics? message me your offers, ngf
need crystallized relic last one i need for roteo. if anyone has lmk what u want.
👀 offers , no exotic rarity and below, ngf
Looking For Unappraised Supercharges
Pls I an new to fisch and was wondering the fastest way to grind levels, can someone tell me (will really appreciate it)
looking at offers on these ANCIENT KRAKENS!!!
How many hours until the update?
yo i just got 2 pcs of boots, whoever needs this i can trade my other one message me
Lf speed boots
How much are nessies worth nowadays?
Does anyone have any exalted relics they wanna trade