The Monkey (Early Screening)
Surprised this sub is so small
What really got me shook about apocalypse scenarios ain’t the disaster itself…it’s the people.
As a man I was taught how to treat women, I was never taught how a woman should treat me. Is this normal?
Do you think if you got a do- over in life you would make the right decisions?
What is something a lot of video games do that annoys you?
Have you ever lost interest in a game almost immediately after starting it?
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
Why wasn't Ken in X DiVE?
If you had the power to make every person in the world unanimously agree to one thing, what would it be?
Be honest, what's actually holding you back from living your best life?
What’s become clear to you as you’ve gotten older?
So I tried the (LvL 1 Fist Only) run. It's absurd. Good luck to anyone who tries.
So, Who is Khazan and why should I care?
Which anime is this for you?
Where do you see yourself in 60 years?
If there’s definite proof of aliens, how would you react or how would society react?
In your opinion, what is the saddest story scene in your gacha game that made you cry the most?
Do you think you’re attractive? Why or why not?
Anyone seen Don't Look Away (2023) ?
Ladies, what’s something surprisingly attractive a guy can do ?
If you were going to torture someone, what song would you play on repeat?
What’s something about sex that people should know and discuss more?
Is Captain Hook being kept in the dark on certain things in KH1?
How is it that Mega Man—Capcom’s 4th best-selling franchise—has been left to rust in obscurity, while we haven’t seen a new game in over half a decade?