Husband doesn't treat me like I'm pregnant
Teachers, what is the worst insult you have directed towards a student in your class?
What to do with a class that absolutely hate each other!
What are some of your favorite, really obscure lines that you use often?
What is the big surprise? If you could jump in to save Michael in this scene😬
3 Week Old has his Days and Nights Confused - Advice?
Who was right? Pam or Jim?
The babys father has a right to be there when its born
"My child has an F"
AITA for yelling at my wife because she didn't invite me to a family barbecue?
The "women don't want their BF/husband to solve their problems, they just want them to listen" thing is straight up non-sense.
AITA for telling my wife that her relationship with her brother is strange and I won't tolerate it anymore?
Annoying Character on a show you like
I dislike dogs, and REALLY dislike most people who own dogs
Mothers get wayyy more grace than fathers get
I would never prioritize a Wife over my Mom
Has anyone noticed the uptick in posts regarding students holding grudges against teachers who yelled at them or even raised their voice at them?
My girlfriend would choose our dog over me. Is this a red flag?
What should I say when a teacher says "no" when I ask to use the bathroom?
Being a teacher isn’t hard?
AITA for complaining about the signs at my daughters preschool
Do teachers have favorites?
What do you think?
How much SHOULD teachers make?
Student Accommodation Hypocrisy