Nobody wants a multiplayer experience - should I make a single-player version instead?
Looking for ideas for a browser game (Otherworld)
How long take developer game website with JavaScript and HTML/CSS?
Recent changes to Otherworld
Do you ever get random people trying to find vulnerabilities in your game?
Travel preferences in text based games
Do the rest of you get hackers too?
Working on a Browser Game
Image resolution dropdown menu goes behind other content
LPT: don’t be afraid to ask! You will be surprised by how many things you can get just by not being afraid of asking
Game preferences survey
Freeform (chatroom) RP
Otherworld updates and plans - Zone 13 released
You should try
Is shoutbox a desired feature in multiplayer PBBG - and what's appealing about it
Yli 30-vuotiaiden tippuminen mielenterveyspalveluiden ulkopuolelle -kysely
What makes games fun?
What makes an idle game fun?
shared world crafting/travel game
Cringy 'ad' video of game
if you were making a browser based game....
Otherworld, non-linear world, set your own goals, unlock locations, gather resources, craft items
Text-based crafting game, explore, gather resources, interact with characters
Mustalais nainen huijaa ihmisiltä rahat! Tämä nainen vaihtelee sijaintia pk seudulla (ainakin) ja kusettaa ihmisiltä rahaa! Selittää raukkatarinoita mm.miten bensa loppu ja lompakko hukassa. Pyytää nostaa käteistä 50€ kun näyttää puhelimesta muka tehdyn pankkisiirron sulle. Levittäkää sanaa! #tiktok
I'm developing a new PBBG