is a 5years old age gap too big?
What were the Best old school king fu movies made and go?
Border czar Tom Homan after deportation flights: "I dont care what the judges think"
How Donny Trump says thanks for your support…
Why do Americans care so much about culture appropriation on the behalf of other people?
Trump’s DOGE Got Access to the U.S. Banking System. And Nobody’s Talking About It
Need Advice—Cutting Off a Friend, But Torn Between Confronting Him with Brutal Honesty or Just Walking Away
The dragons ATE four of the dwarf rings???
I’m a Man, asking other Men for real advice: Would you vote yes on a draft to include women in the upcoming war?
Toying with the idea of selling a gifted Chevelle from my father
Why are Minnesota Conservatives trying to make disagreeing with Trump a diagnosable mental condition?
Republicans Push to Make 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' a Mental Illness
This nonsense still continues
What's a job you wouldnt take even if it paid 500k a year?
Protest at City Hall
This track runner claims she didn't mean to hit the other runner with the baton on purpose
What’s something people think is a sign of intelligence, but actually isn’t?
Buy Canadian Sector-by-Sector: Fast Food Burger Chains
My disposal needs cleaned out
Isn't this nice
How are Americans feeling about the Trump’s second term?
If there is a person who always loses - wether in games , races , or competition and he enters a race where the objective is that " winner is the biggest loser " what happens if he wins ? Would he be considered as a winner or a loser ?
What's stopping you from having the best body count?
MMW, Trump will accidentally avert World War 3 and pretend it was the plan all along.