Blonde is not a winter’s friend!
Jacqui is literally who we see on the TV
Episode 28 Dave&Veronica
Dog hurting my marriage
Any update on the pink shirts Toronto night 2 was promised?
Was Dave faking the whole time?
[FO] 10,437 stitches and about 9 months later..🪡🪐✨🌌
You will be just fine
100 hours later… (Marked NSFW as it’s sheer)
What’s with the Madison hate?
Industry plants?
Baby Blanket Completed!
This is Batman he’s 12 weeks old! What breed do u guys think my puppy is?
[FO] An old pattern I did 25 years ago, for my parents as a thank you when I got married
It's been 5 years of LIB. Which season was the most entertaining?
Most to least faves❤️
Should Canada Get Its Own Love Is Blind? 🇨🇦👀
[FO] Couldn't Resist This Pattern!
Joey and Sara are apparently dating now
sir, what were you thinking
1.99 Pint of Florida Strawberries. No one was touching them.
Lookie what my mommy made for me!!
The vibes on Reddit vs Instagram are SO different
Brittany’s theme dressing is always on point!
The last wedding