at night she unzips out of her dog suit and roams around downstairs
my bestie's dad's gf casually gave me a black cherry merlot FFM and I feel like my life is complete
Post candle weekend check in
I hate my ex boyfriend for abusing me and destroying my life and mental health
Just a little reminder from a BBW employee working today
Why tf does the church think an interaction with a substance automatically means substance abuse? They can NOT say tea is an addiction when I see washed out utah moms chugging their 64oz acid battery red bull at 7 am every time I go to utah
mini rant abt coffee and living with active parents
I really dont get the Nessa hate and rip-off claims especially with her new album out
listened to punish for the 1st time via the music video and 7g of mushies last night and HOLY SHIT
Has a past relationship ever ruined a song for you and now it's too painful to listen?