The only reason these two are on the show is so people superchat about Boobs. Its getting to Stuttering John level of pathetic.
Oh no the dabbleverse has infiltrated Facebook!! Damn you frog!!!
Dude's IQ is lower than someone with an extra chromosome. You can't retweet protected tweets.
Warzone will be abandoned if Verdansk fails
Kids don't want John's Money and his Mom is going to sell the house.
As someone so world famous its strange with all those @ tags not one of them invited him to come on their network and talk politics.
I thought he had a Podcast on March 1st huh....
Karl's curious what Shuli could do if he knew....The Rocco Files
Normal Documents to have on your desktop
John is a Groomer, He tried to Groom Kate Meaney and now is Grooming Rob.
He is going the way Lady DI did. He 100% has Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
DNS SRV for a server
Who is the new Duke of the Dabbleverse?
💦🧠🇺🇸🤮🤣 Dummy is now doing his “political show” in small doses as well. This might the most homeless he’s ever looked, what a fuckin’ bum…
Johns Cameo vs YouTube.
Did all the desktop players leave?
Joey C and Clear Water suck and here is why
John's Website had some old interesting URLs associated with it. Did he have a HIMs sponsorship?
Karl got John cancelled
Karl, put back the tracker for all of John’s kids. I pay you for John’s book and the location of all of his children
If John is World famous why is it in every Cameo he has to list his "achievements"
That nose hair
If the DoorDash driver doesn't immediately recognize you when you open the door, even with your name on the ticket? You're not a "celebrity".
Patterall turned on the drunk slob
Slept with over 300 women, and he is BUFF AS FUCK