Getting started with Canaanite deities?
Monotheism or polytheism?
I accidentally thrifted a fur coat and I feel bad
how i look at ppl who say caedsexuals arent valid and are "not ace"
Identify Symbols?????
Booking a spell as a Christian?
Do y’all think it’s fine to use real people (not like music artists or big celebrities) as profile pics?
Rosebud’s not sure about her roommate.
I don't think I'm practicing the craft in a way that best suits me
What is sydneamorous?
This ad I saw in Macedonia
Could this fit an Alter?
Are fembros allowed?
Is it possibly to do a monogamy spell on someone?
Where to buy legitimate calamus oil?
Neurospicy and religion
Wtf is wrong with people man
Being Gay and Religious. Thoughts?
Are xenogenders even related to actual gender?
Why are people able to collect how does it work?
I want to draw your pets' faces! Atleast 100 of them 😆
Agreg icks?