My favorite aspect of Shadow Slave's story so far. The slice of Life.
Fan animation
What do you umm, do with these byproducts?
Just under a tenth of my population works in the mega arts academies
Representation of Sunny taking “advantage” of Nephis by the fandom apparently
What was the best 'the Strongest' moment.
Jenni's (65) Aunt (20) is visiting
The neglected one
Hot takes in Shadow Slave :
In the beginning vs now
One of the slave accidentally opened the door to the entire bunker letting 40 wolves in.... do i execute her?
Simplemente, Mio
Tomoe - By me.
I can't make an unethical colony
Hot baths are for winners. This is for prisoners.
Ideoligion forbids boning yet colonist lovers still want double beds??
This is gonna be a screwed up child, isn't it?
Left the game running for a couple hours
Things got bad in the Mountain Base. Considering burning the whole thing down.
Just got chickbombed
My son is depressed. Can I Suggest Suicide?
I need help, I made this character that I'm very proud of, but I forgot to copy his DNA, I don't know what to do, and I don't wanna ditch my design! 😢
Romance question
This raider's drop pod caused the roof to colapse around him, making him tonight's biggest loser. What should i do with him?