Why are there so many fan suplemments for CofD but not or WoD? Like, Princess the Hopeful, Siren the Drowning, Genius the Transgression, theres even one for Silent Hill, and they are all for Chronicles of Darkness!
Garou: Why you're cooked
Which game has your favorite main quest?
My Prediction for TES VI That I Hope Doesn’t Come True
What’s your “I did not care for the godfather” take in Bleach?
Why's Beast so disliked?
If you were George RR Martin is there anything about the dance you would have written differently?
How hard is it to kill a werewolf for each species?
"Basically villains people say was right/were right but their actions and choices are so obviously horribly wrong that you missed the point of them."
Biggest dice pool/roll that you had in a table
why aren't fallen angels as popular as vampires?
You sure?
This mf enters the setting and is now hunting splats in WoD, how does it go?
If you lived in the Mass Effect universe and could be any race besides human, which would you choose and why?
How does one counter the Fabian strategy?
Anyone else think that the rank shaming in this sub is kinda ridiculous?
Which Video Game Hot Take Basically has you like this?
If an every nation for themselves broke out in your world who would win or would it be very close
What’s your hope for future releases?
(photobash/sketch) thought too hard about being a player instead of a GM and designed a whole ass stört
We love Aegon and know C&H just wanted to humiliate him, but it makes no sense how Alicent & Otto didn't prepare him at all?? He's so seriously inept he can't speak Valyrian, fight or rule. As someone secretly raised for kingship, he can't afford to be mediocre, let alone this thoroughly incompetent
Tactical Snacks by Braydan Barrett
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Worldbuilders are divided into two: Literal Gods and Kindergartners. Which one are you?