H: 598 berry mentats W: 35 caps each
H: 500+ berry mentats W: 35 caps each
H:leaders W: insurgent outfit plan
H: Caps W: These Plans
H: 100k lead W: 100 leaders
W: T 45 Helm plan H: caps
H: 75 leaders W: need 60k wood
H: 1000 tesla 9 mags W: Leaders/apparel offers
W:Weenie wagon/anatomic clown H:Name your price
W:All t60 plans h:Raven or demon mask
H: Leaders W: Ultracite Calibrated Shocks Plan
H: 504 berry mentats W: 35 caps each
H:Leaders W:Flamethrower trap plan
H: max caps W: t51b crafting plans
H: 100k Acid + 100k Adhesive W: 400 Leaders
H: 275 TS9 mags W: Leaders/Apparel offers
H:coolant & trog canisters W: leaders
H: Leaders W: Lead/Steel Offers
W: Yao Guai pastry plan H: whatever you need
H: 5K Oil W: 5K Ceramic [Don't have to buy all]
H: 15 leaders W: wood offers
W: Ultracite calibrated shocks plan H: Name your price
H: 100 leaders W: 200 grognak 1
H: Buffoon Mask W: Fusion Cell Offers
H: 300 leaders W: gsb + loon