This is exactly like the speed camera on hwy 7 between mccowen and markham rd. Driving 40km/h on a major road is frustrating af.
Dl form check - are my hips rising too early? Or i am too high?
What shoes do you use for weightlifting at the gym?
415lb x 5 squat
Squat depth for a long torso and long femured bro.
42.5kg for 8 on incline db press. What would you change?
First deadlifts after a few years out, would appreciate some critique
Form Check
If anyone did car wash at mccowan and 14th - DCTT406
Finally made 60 kg my working weight
510lb squat
500lbs squat PR @ 198lbs bw
600 conventional deadlift
Dangerous Scam Going Around GTA
500lb/226.8kg Squat @191lb/86.6kg bw
225 x 3 bench press
Finally hit 315lb bench
Beltless touch n go Deadlifts 405x8
Bullock 48 crash 6:47pm 2/14/25
Squat form check
Would this depth be red lighted at a meet?
Accident at Markham rd and 7
475 x 2 at 207lbs/50yrs
405x8 deadlift