H: tfj W: 3.8k leaders
H: Leaders W: 2 Pin-Pointer
H: tfj, glowing Abe, 25 rangers, 15 pinpointers, 4k melee bobbles W: red asylum dress + leaders, read desc!
H: 25 rangers (20), 10 pinpointers (15) W: leaders
H: tattered field jacket W: offers that include a red asylum dress (no fas masks)
H: misc, Weps, more W: groll fatman, AAor I /E/25 Gauss rifle, groll AB ( I do NOT want to craft these, they are for personal collection )
H: Glowing Abe + 1k leaders W: red asylum dress
H: photos W: offers
H: legacy responder id rare displayable misc item W: serious offers only, no fas masks or mods please
H: 1.5k AAT4 (+25% alien blaster damage mags) W: gnb3, gnb9, ll8, ts7, ts9
H: 13 reflective (25) 23 rangers (20) 21 tanky (15) 10 aegis (15) W: leaders
H: Glowing blue devil and glowing scorch beast masks W: bosjs + wpjs
H: Tfj+Fsa+ wrapped cap W: Leader/ Apparel offers
H: 10 pin pointer mods W: 15 leaders each
H: Glowing Abe mask W: rf set
H: Glowing scorchbeast x2 W: wpjs x2
H: sets of uny/oe - powered - sent/arms keeper/thru hiker W: 100 leaders per set or individual prices in desc!
H:100 Leaders W:100 3 Star scrip (dont care what it is just have it be 3 star)
H: pictured mods plus all others W: leaders/apparel, prices are in desc!
How much hours do you have?
H: 10000 Bobby pins W: 250 leaders
H:4xtfj + 2xLC + Red Asy W:Unusual offers legacies/bulk g rolls
H: 4k melee bobbleheads W: 1k leaders or offers
H: Red asylum W: tlc+ leaders
H: Glowing Abe + 1100 leaders W: leather coat