Can this be done is 3 days with 2 drivers
Why do anxiety poos have that distinct smell?
Got rejected because of my armpit hair…
Has exercise actually helped anyone manage their pain better?
What's the weird thing going on with your body that isn't weird enough to go to the doctor for?
how to keep hair from matting/tangling?
Study: Visible app data suggests link between sex hormone levels and ME/CFS symptom severity
Do canes actually help?
Do most women hover over a public toilet seat?
Why is it you still people that don't treat you right?
Most interesting fact/piece of information about the brain…GO!
Ideal floor chair
Does anyone have their worse pain in their finger joints?
Anybody else feel like nobody cares about your condition?
What shit are you too old for?
Do you think most people wipe themselves clean or are skid marks common?
I have posture of a 🍤. This was actual footage of my PT 🤣🤣 when I came in slumped over one day after she taught me correct posture!
Long Covid Clinic: wE TyPicAlLy ReQuiRe In-PErSon ApPoiNtMeNtS
I don’t feel like a girl
Any adults who sleep with stuffed animals?
What does it feel like to be sexually attracted to someone?
Does anyone else like to talk with yourself?
What's his name?
Thoughts? What should I title it
Do you have friends that have autism? If so, how did you meet?