has anyone else not had a legendary chest yet?
Recommend the last best/good Movie/Series you watched.
why level 18 archer tower cost more than level 19 ?
So many buttons
What can i change?
Finally reached legends league today
dude what is going on
There should be a separate menu of all levels for Buildings n troops.
In legend now
What attack strat should I use ?
Is this an oversight the higher level Wizard tower has lower upgrading cost and time
How can I improve my base?
2nd update on fixing up my rushed base (I'm now upgrading my traps, walls, and heros)
So now that the event is over how many points did you gets
Help me to max out th13
is it possible to 3 star this th13 as a maxed th12 ?
Should I go to town hall 10 or should I wait just a little bit longer
best attack strategy for this base?
It’s time for a new journey
whats the max number of gems u have ever had?
Why isn’t there an achievement for super troops donated?
Legends for the first time
Give me a quote from your favorite movie/show character, and others will get it.