Still pretty new to Dokkan and suggestions on what a good team to build would be with these units?
Want to get some graded
LF in post :)
FT: Shinies in picture. LF: shiny charmander or froakie lines
FT: Shinies in picture. LF: shiny charmander line or shiny froakie line.
LF: shiny eevee and offers
Ft: Shinies in picture Pallosand is marked. LF: shiny offers. Also separately looking for Union circle to evolve finizen.
FT:Shinies in Pic LF: SHINY Ceruledge, Appletun, Frosmoth,Pelipper, Spiritomb, Magnezone, Wishcash, Galarian Meowth Line, Jigglypuff line or interesting offers
FT: shiny marked sandyghast LF: Shiny finizen or palafin
FT: Box Shinies LF: List in top comment
FT: Shiny uncommon marked sandygast LF: Shiny marked finizen or other marked shiny offers
LF: non English ditto
FT: Shiny scyther. LF: Shiny Dratini line
FT: Shinies in picture LF: shiny charmander line, cetoddle line, and shiny armarouge. Looking for multiples for starter
FT: shiny lycanroc, garchomp, flutter mane, scyther, clodsire or noibat. LF: shiny corviknight line
FT: shinies in picture. LF: Shiny dreepy line, charmander line, armarouge, or larvitar line
FT: shiny garchomp, lycanroc, iron thorns, and iron valiant. LF: any of the shiny lines of pawniard, Maril, or wooper
FT: shiny lycanroc, garchomp, iron thorns, or iron valiant. LF: shiny pawniard line, shiny Wooper line, or Marill line
FT: shinies in picture second row has marks, apriballs, and master ball LF shiny kingambit, belly drum azumaril, and shiny offers
FT: shiny zweilous, slither wing, apriballs, or masterball LF: Shiny roaring moon
FT: masterball, apriballs, shiny garchomp, zweilous, or lycanroc LF: shiny mankey line, shiny pawniard line, or shiny roaring moon
FT: shiny zweilous, garchomp, lycanroc, and masterball LF: Shiny offers
Ft masterball, shiny garchomp, shiny lycanroc midnight form. LF Shiny offers. Also looking to exchange Armarouge for Ceruledge.
[9th] LF: Ceruledge
LF: trade to evolve slowking and a trade for Bruxish to complete dex