Bottle refusal
Should I continue watching this show? Feeling burnt out and know THE spoiler.
Bottle of version, baby took a bottle today.
Grown up jobs
Are the Veronica Mars books common knowledge?
I think i want to wean my 3.5 month old
How much money do you have saved before having children?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
At in laws house. Baby will only sleep in my arms and i have to POOP!!!!!
16 month old: nursing is so damn annoying lately. Advice?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
Wow I see now why you guys bedshare
3.5 month mom regression?
Two children - how bad is it really?
What if Gossip Girl’s identity was different? 👀💬
What to give LO before her first set of shots?
Hypothetically, if Spiderman kicked Black Widow in the back of the head, would she die?
I envy how my parents did parenting
What is it actually like in the first few weeks having a newborn baby?
What's your favorite thing about not longer being pregnant?
Anyone else out there up with their baby during time change?
New mom
What is something you were foolishly ignorant about before being pregnant/having a baby?
What’s that one alcoholic drink that you once had a bad experience, and now can’t even think about being near, let alone drinking it?