Is this list even accurate?
According to Wikipedia the lgbt movement is a terrorist organization
Probably a dumb question but Will there be any new ltm cards?
What do you think of this
Thanks for notifying me michael franz
Welp this squad just proofs that some madfut players have a low iq
I hate scammers
Which kitchen nightmares episode do yall want to see
Which breaking bad alternative do yall want a series off
Which gordon ramsay show do yall want to see?
Whatsup with this creepy background faces
idk how to title this
Erm wtf, Rick rolled by madfut? Lmao
How would you price this SBC?
Which one do yall want to see?
i'm bored, let me turn your username into an AI image
Gogg-posting day 284
Gordon ramsay started a new show called “hells reddit’’ where he visits reddit mods houses and critiques them on the way they live thoughts?
Bruh its literally easier to pack a 93 rated gold card in madfut 16 compared to madfut 25
Trying to get a comment from every country, state, city and town.
Holy shit i got soler, finally
Nice score( Pack duos)
Do we need a TOTY Pick?
Dang why do i keep getting these messages? Waddado?