Favorite fas mask…GO!
Remember when this was rare to find in the Bog mirrors?
H:TFJ W:1500 leaders + add
H: apparel W: grobot,gpig or leaders
H: leaders, apparel, misc, W: van/ap/sent normal tradable armor
H: Leaders, W: tradable armor sets with ap regen
H: Leaders and apparel W: Davids trophy and Nuka-cola six packs
H: 3,000 bobby pins W: 30 witch masks
H:WPJS & BOSJS W:300 Leaders obo
H: Leaders or misc, W: item for ally misc
H: 80k caps, W: coffee
H: kidsecure ID bundle, W: Leaders or non glow fas masks
H: Leaders W: 2 item for ally misc
H:150 leaders W: 5 Pinpointers
[ps4] h: glowing masks W: forest camo jumpsuit
H: leaders, W: cute displayable misc items for the missus
H: leaders, W: non glowing mask bundles
H: full sets of V63 Plans (weapon+mods) W: offers
H: 5 leaders W: 5 Toilet Paper Rolls
H: misc, W: best tresure map offers please
H: Honor rolls misc, W: Tfj, Lc, fas masks, Leaders offers, must include apparel & Leaders thanks
Quick announcement for everybody on PSN
Another rare, apparel hunting is a grind but pays off
Glowing Veggie man hate W: to know why
H: hag & junk of choice, W: Loon