Stills from a no-budget fashion film my friends and I shot. Thoughts?
Timeless MV is so bad.
Rape Me - (Original Cover) recorded all the guitar parts
Soooooo….. what was the story with the domestic abuse?
HOLY SHIT! I Think I May Have Cracked It!
Want to spread the legacy of a Marine named Ivan Alvera who passed away in February 2020.
(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) What is the most hopeless way to die in a movie?
Has Anyone Ever Been Triggered By A Film?
Mayonaise - The Smashing Pumpkins (Cover) as seen on Beef
I Don’t Know What To Do With This Feeling of Jealousy
I don’t get the hate for TLOU2
say one nice thing about any contestant!
Season 1 delayed till summer
Truck Crew…what’s your guys’s least favorite part of putting away truck. I’ll go first—THE MOBILE SECTION 🥲
What video game turned out to be disappointing?
The last person you searched up on Google has sex with you, who would it be?
Meanwhile at every department except Customer Service.
If you were offered 20 Million dollars to not say a word for an entire year, would you do it? What’s the first thing you would say after?
This is the way.
What hair style is this called? How To Achieve?
RobinHood: *stops buying of GME* me who bought $AMC shares hours ago:
Robin Hood: *stops buying for GME* Me who bought shares in $AMC hours ago...:
Pretty much sums up what Congress is saying right now.
Feeling sad after ending Panam storyline?