Ranked flair megathread 2.0
Are there any brawlers that you just can't take seriously when you see them picked, and even think you're gonna lose if they're picked despite them being good brawlers?
Se me rompió el preservativo en pleno acto
Poco's gadgets are worst than vanish on lily's prime
Competitive it's still not competitive
The true most forgotten brawler
A few weeks its been in ranked. Your opinion?
Crazy rework for Doug
The WORST way to buff F tier brawlers
Aerobattle will not be removed!🤦
Legendary II Pain
What gears for Finx, ranked
Is current Legendary equal to or even harder to get to than the old Masters?
Reached masters yesterday AMA (Mod approved)
When is this fluffing brawler getting emergency nerfed?
How to fix Brawl Hockey: Distance Based Scoring
We should get our coins back for the new gear
To everyone complaining about hockey...
Today I had one of my best ranked experiences... in hockey.
Gem grab has the most well designed maps
Before and after Mr. O.P. hypercharge
Brawl hockey should not be competitive.
What are some brawlers that feel better after the gadget rework?
If they are really adding brawl hockey to ranked, I hope they will also let us quit more matches before getting banned.