[Unknown>English] On a shirt that’s over 40 years old from my GF’s family
Do anyone else feel as if shadow work just have made you more aimless in life.
Any Anime with mostly female characters depicted in a boring, non-manic way?
How do people develop the courage to have sex with women?
My personal favorite look of Kyo.
DON’T Kill Your Inner Child - The Invaluable Gifts of The Puer and Puella Aeternus
Japanese emo recs?
How can i help my partner overcome her tendency to amplify negative emotions?
being a musician with stage fright is my own personal hell
awesome release but shit production?
Man with overdeveloped feminine— What is my unconscious trying to me?
I like this album but does anyone else agree that the font they used is terrible?
Why do alot of the 2000s post-hardcore bands get lumped into the emo genre, or are considered emo?
Best snare in emo?
Why are math rock bands like American Football considered emo? At what point did they start to be considered emo?
Best UK Emo Export
Which book to read to start learning Norwegian?
Why is underground electronic music ‘disliked’ on this website?
Are Sam’s reposts far removed from this subreddit’s own thoughtful moments ?
Burt only got paid 15K
Burt earnestly doing the math again on whether or not this has been a gay dating show for the production… at this point in the show seems too good to be true. Is he acting?
Burt cares more about the quality of the production than production does
No way binx being racist to Burt wooow
Please don’t go in the pits with steel toes on
The only funny part of Act 3 is Payton trying to convince Burt of what happened before he wiped his memory