With every nest they build, I feel like I should get them to sign a planning permission.
My Bean expecting James Bond in her cage ...
PLEASE show me pics of ur rats sleeping! I’m obsessed😭
If Katarina is a main character in the Noxus show, do you want to see her post-comic events or would you want the show writers to implement and rewrite elements of her comic in the show as events are currently unfolding?
My rats were afraid of my severe scratches and bites on the arm from a cat .
From the 2025 Trailer, what does this symbol mean?
Welcome to Noxus - Bite Marks (ft. TEYA) | 2025 Season 1 Cinematic - League of Legends
[no spoilers] Absolute Jinx moment with Jason Spisak. He is an absolute gem. I asked if I could get a polaroid taken with him, for him to sign it . The polaroid refused to work, we had a laugh and he put that note behind my autograph.
London Worlds Finals Watch Parties
Horrors set in the woods?
pots are too expensive!!
Isolated this White Leaved Varigated Pothos from what is seemingly a common Nnjoy Gold . It's stunning but I'm so confused by it . Jazzy variant or misidentified?
Do we have any witches or astrologers in this sub? Can any of y'all confirm if Ashley's tarot card readings were accurate 🧐
Why does women in 30s not like that I have never dating?
My wife and children have been away for several weeks and I don't miss them.
The plague stones by hames broaden.
Save yourself some salt. The Tyranid half of the Leviathan box is built to die to the Space Marines and win the game while doing it.
Oh no, she did not go there…
“Chinese Whispers”
found this graffiti that translates to "warrior arm yourself in the truth we have left you" any ideas on what it's meant to mean? i figured the up down left right meant i needed to do that or something but nothing is happening
Translated some of the graffiti found around the Ishimura (translations are in captions for each pic). I think it’s kinda fun
Can we all agree Cam dodged a huge bullet with Lyndall?
This is all I see.
I cant be the only one who thinks Freezer is one of the coolest new Vestroia Bakugan
“Studio Flat” Near Camden. How is this even legal?