Need a BDSP Palkia, willing to trade back. Can offer any of the following or evolutions for your trouble
Someone gave me a “Thug durus” instead on a Thundurus 😔😔
Lf offers ft image
Trading two mewtwo more in the description
LF: Shiny Armarouge. FT: Shiny Ceruledge
Lf trades
give me music recs (repost)
LF: Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt FT: most of these shinies shown
LF: Recent Events FT: Jirachi Events Wishmaker and Channel
Lf: shiny zamazenta, eternatus, and offers Ft: photos
What is the oldest pokemon in your collection (by date catched)?
Hey Everyone ! Looking for trade and offers ! (1,2,3 pic is all shiny pogo)
LF Shiny offers FT pictured
I'm exchanging these three, Genesect and dialga could be Custons OT! I'm looking for shiny Pogo and Ultra beast shiny Pogo birds (if possible Custons OT)
LF: "No Good" speed, non-ENG Ditto FT: almost anything
FT: Anything in photo ; LF: Shiny starters, Gengar, Shinx and Ralts
Ft: pic Lf: offers
Lf offers
Trading for fun :)
Looking for top, offering bottom.
LF:normal diancie and shiny arceus deoxys shaymin phione manaphy mew darkrai meltan preferably legit FT: PIC and more shiny legendaries pls ask for what you want
lf: desc :3
FT: Custom OT Pogo shinies LF:Pogo shiny offers, legends/mythical offers
Im looking for a non genned celebi or other mythicals… i can accept 2 for 1
Lf offers! ^v^