Just joined! Please enjoy the photoshoot my partner did for me and my baby! 2021 Buddy Kick 125, bought brand new.
How much do you pay for rent in Chicago?
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Random QOTD, What's a Musical Everybody liked but you did not
I could use some inspo help for my front patio area! I just feel like it looks bare and not that cute. Any thoughts? I've been playing a while so can order or make most anything.
Golden Tools & Their DIYs Raffle Giveaway!
Wind references in musicals
Take your name and tragedeigh it
Genuine Paintings! 🎨
User Flair Thread
My focaccia from the other day. Just sprinkled with salt and olive oil
Neighbor Constantly Complaining about Heat
Pritzker not mincing words
As Governor of Illinois, my oath is to the Constitution of our state and our nation. We don’t have kings in America, and I won’t bend the knee to one.
Flash photos... at a movie theatre.
What are your saving graces when memorizing multiple roles on short notice?
Cleansing oil suggestions?
AITA for walking away from someone who won’t open up
Bulk buying beads?
Amtrak apologizes for stranding passengers at Union Station
Dream address! I have some blank spots I would love ideas on. Any feedback on layout is also welcome, I'm working on a revamp.
Mushrooms / Mushroom DIY
Perfect dream roles?
Looking for DIY Bookshelf or fences