People really out there swapping $20 fans with $9 fans
My friend couldn't connect his monitor to his 4080… Asked for a pic, and this is what he sent me. Yes, there's a GPU back there...
Found this at my local Amazon bin store for $12
I got this message and got kicked out a game.
Just to confirm, for some reason, they've locked a title behind an achievement almost no one who plays casually or even the players in competitive queue can/will get?
What it feels like shorting Tesla now... My puts are deep in the red. Will we ever run out of regards buying up here?
Why is my nether portal a death trap
Negative amount of money (did I stack overflow?)
Just bought a brand new pc and it was shipped and got damaged
How does Tomorrowland cashless payment system work?
Got scammed on Amazon! 1tb 980 disguised as a 4tb 990 pro
Would anyone know what this vid is called?
Is this safe to remove?
What’s the most pointless thing you’ve ever deliberately spent Platinum on?
Does anyone know how to get this kind of rust off of side cutters?
The ranked matchmaking in this game is actually a joke
ThE 9070 (XT) Is GoInG To HaVe GoOd StOcK !
I got accused of using EZ swing after taking spiderman at the end of a ranked loss.. what is it and what does it do, how do i turn it off?
Tomorrowland Winter 2025 - Screwed with Lodging - Advice Needed
why not like that americans?
Is this legal?
Transportation from deux alpes to alpe d huez
Do people do kanji/trinkets at tml winter
I just got premium for life for free?