Myron- your girl contradicts everything you preach.
Myron and his contradictions with his relationship :add yours below
Angie can/has break/broken rules and Myron won’t/ hasn’t break/broken up with her. Is she the real prize?
Why are the mods deleting posts angie?
Angie said fuck it I’m gonna have other accounts since Myron has her passwords to her other accounts 😭😭😂😭😭💀
Even McQueen is coming at Myron now
Somebody tell Myron this….
Myron is an introvert?
Someone find out if Walter is really dating a single mother
Jealous, vindictive, two faced, emotional,what else?
16k live on his 2nd channel, does Myron need Walter?
Here’s a Real Life Story….. Of course by now, you guys know I’m real and don’t hide behind a anonymous name so…
andrew tate literally does not fuck with fnf anymore, straight up
Genuine ask, why is frxsh so arrogant?
Jordan Welch taking shots at FNF again
Walter manager speaks
So Walter was lying about his body count and Myron defended that bullshxt? What else are these guys lying about?
New Myron hypocrisy dropped
Gary The Numbers guy has been negotiating for Frsh; says they need more than 100,000 dollars for him to fight
Myron lets his emotions get the best out of him way too many times, ironic for a guy teaching stoicism to young men.
Even Adin Ross is confused about Frsh backing out🤣
Myron wants other people to risk their livelihood for 1 podcast/episode.😂
Damn!! The Gandalf looking Rockstar ROLLO is Jumping ship, the crying ass Tate Brothers jumped ship! It seems like the “LOYAL FOREVER” power ranger motto is a failure………
Frsh has posted his new girl on Twitter
McQueen is talking crazy about Myron ,did they have a fall out?