Was ist das für ein seltsamer Brief?
What game is this to you?
Why we never got any talking enemies in elden ring like big bartha from ds3?
[Wreckfest] Multiplayer Trophy
Tell me a game with a better sunset
Packt Ihr Eure Eier in den Kühlschrank?
[Discussion] 2025 Platinum list. What should I start with?
Was ist hier passiert?
Images or names
Rentner zeigt auf real
Guys... I have a question... WTF?
What Game Did You First Platinum?
Fakt !
Na wenigstens hat sie beste Freundin 😮💨
Aber was ist mit Lagerfeuer?
Screw English, German makes way more sense
So deep 😮💨🚬🚬
The protagonist of the last game you played is teleported to Tarkov. Can they survive?
Bitte nur aufm Kopf gehen?
Rentner zeigen auf QR-CODE
[german] What's the difference between "y" and "e"?
Are there other unique widgets? If yes, how have you got them?
Was hab ich im IKEA gefunden?
so fett🚬🚬😔
Was kann man machen?🥺