How should I start final fantasy?
Which Mass Effect character would you like to be friends with IRL?
Is mgs4 worth a go?
why in is snake aiming with his missing eye?
Such a relief that there is no Russian family in this version.
Should I play MGS4 before MGS3 because of Deltas upcoming release?
new relationship, so in love, but sex is not great - what to do? (23F & 32M)
When you've had one day of training and there's nobody to answer your questions
Master Collection worth it nowadays for PC players?
Beautiful. You love to see it.
But it's a precursor to MGSV....
So is the gaming channel dead?
I’m not sure if this is a hot take but I love the cassette tapes In Metal Gear Solid 5.
The most generous searchlight in the entire series. I really should not have gotten away with this...
What is your unpopular opinion on anything from FF?
Steam sale
Do your jobs let you listen to music?
How do you guys feel about the 3D version of Final Fantasy 4? To me, is the best and most fun way to experience this amazing game! The high difficulty, voiced cutscenes and opening cinematic are what sell it for me.
Presented without comment. (Also I have no idea why the video is so choppy. So far this is the only issue I've had with Steam's video recording)
Am I the only one who feels like this guy is completely right?
If Gunn's Superman is a hit...
Any chance of their being a remake of MG1 and MG2?
New general manager just got hired, I think they're cooked
100% WOULD!!!
What was you're first ff game (mine was 6)