Found this edible sitting in my shelf for two years, would it still hit?
Mugshot of Colorado Tesla arsonists Trump intends to send to El Slavador prison
Found this at one of the Whitespring Vendors. Is this one of the rare baseball bats?
The War on Cannabis Takes a New Twist - Both Democrats and Republicans Step Up to Prevent Cannabis Legalization
Sophie rain leaks
Melee builds have been nerfed
Young adults are switching to cannabis instead of alcohol, poll shows
Oops i turned on my magnetism😂
Grrrr all yall with your dispos
Why are there so many dispensaries?
Coil sticking out of quartz tip.
Who is your favorite logia user?
Can you stop a hurricane with a nuke?
Goodbye religious ads on Reddit!
Found this in the wild. I think it belongs here.
Replace weed?
I have no idea how this "Gaming Air Freshener" is related to gaming.
What’s with bibles in hotel rooms still?
Bong aerodynamics
Hey everyone, Courier Meg Here!
Turtle Turtle
How much hours do you have?
Best "I hunt, you build!" Co Op games?