[WTS] Spyderco REC Native 5 🥑 & Butterscotch Paper micarta frag Para 3 Cerberus scales
[WTS] Pro-Tech Mordax (Five Models), Microtech MSI
Heretic, Microtech, Kershaw OTFs
[WTS] Microtech, CRKT, Kansept
WTS Benchmade Mini-Freek & Bugout
[WTS] Spyderco: KnifeJoy Slysz Bowie, REC Avocado Native 5, LC200N Green Native 5 Salt, M390 Lum Tanto, CF & Cruwear Centofante 3, Delica 4 Serrated Wharnie and CDC Outbreak Magnacut
WTT Wells Blade Works LEFTY
Daltons and a vintage Pro-tech
Pro-techs, Dalton, Hawk, CJRB
Chaves 229 D/A conversion
Want to Buy Thread
Info needed
[WTS] Wells Opinel Rehandle ($110), #10 carbon opinel reground in amazing FatCarbon Space Coral handle - repost with descrip
[WTS] Walter Wells Custom Folder
10 DLC campaigns
Want To Buy Thread
[WTS]Spyderco, Pro-tech, Microtech, Jack Wolf, Benchmade
Hera II mini vs Dirac Blade Play
Honeycomb Mordax
Cypher II: Bro Price $275
[WTS ONLY] Mordx DROP Milled, Heretic Manticore E Tanto Carbon Fiber Flamed
Piranha Bodyguard: Bro Price $80
Lone Wolf Knives Paul Perfecto
Spyderco Schempp Bowie