Spider-Man has a point and I like the way he says it to Teresa(PETER PARKER: THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN ISSUE #299).
The Bo Diddley, Silverball Subs in Asheville NC
I love this cover. Zee has the best legs in DC imo.
He would never fucking say that!
First Impressions on this Vulture?
How would you improve Peter's bad relationship with civilians / Considering that in Marvel, civilians are .... unpleasant people?
So Spider-Man treats Paparazzi like any other New Yorker.
Literally everyone in this show is roided up
Do you prefer Gundams to look flashy and themed? Or more practical and rugged?
Ulforce V-Dramon (by baltarbd)
Spider-Man x Psylocke!!!! Artist- Artofz
Is hellspinner a real character in the comics?
[OC] Hellspinner: Lucifer/Denial
Help me with the sauces
Gundam Wing: Space terrorists or interstellar combatants?
Well at least he admitted his mistake.
In Spider-Man Blue (2002) it's already implied Gwen and Peter did the deed. So why did Joe Quesada decide "It wasn't relatable" and have JMS retcon it here? [ASM 513]
Who’s your favorite G Team mobile suit (including upgrades, EW versions, and other variations)?
The King of Monsters takes on Earth's Mightiest Heroes in 'Godzilla vs. Avengers' #1 this June
Do you prefer Captain America in the Avengers Trinity or the Invaders one? [Art by: George Peréz, Alex Ross]
Does anybody else think Kindred shouldn’t have been Harry Osborn? The storyline ended so suddenly and anticlimactically with him. It just suddenly ended with a long dinner conversation
Are you ready for ice man new album?(by @artoflucas)