What is this animal
A Brahmin Priest refused to put a tilak on the forehead of a Dalit in the temple
This gotta be the funniest templates I’ve seen in a while lmao
What happened to Bro?? Bro made his debut with a gem like Dhruvangal Pathinaaru and then made some avg movies like Mafia & maaran?🥲that
Is the marrow ed 8 rev notes insufficient compared to marrow 6.5?
Loving the hate memes on Potato
How are the releases of this week?
What is the first movie that pops into your head when you see Keanu Reeves?
Urgent need for census
Show of hands: Who’s swiping right on this guy?
For a 5 year old game, Ghost of Tsushima is really beautiful
Hot Take: We Need A Second Miles Game
People of medicine! What's your favourite medical instrument?
Enna (GVM sir), sketch ah?
I don't hate any bike.
What yll watching today?
Who is your favorite living English Actor?
Proud to be vegetarian 💪🏻 lava takat /s
cringe fighting scenes
Does Hinge/ bumble actually work in Pondy? Why's dating in Pondy so elusive?
What was the problem Aadik faced in Mark Antony?
Does your seniors / straight guys ever playfully or platonically slap someone's ass.......?
Are btr 2.0 videos available on telegram?
Beard butter and oil suggestions in the UK?
Ungaloda opinions solunga nanbargale!!