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A pill in my PBandJ
Childcare in Vermont
Saw this on a car. Made myself a bigger one.
The misses got a new colster to match her pinks!
Does anyone know what body part this is?
Help me find this bird doorknocker please!
What is the worst Christmas present you’ve ever received?
This dog owner. The dog was struggling to not fall out of the truck bed.
Straight for the jugular
An idiot crashing into a restaurant with his car with a child inside. Both of them survived luckily!
An idiot crashing into a restaurant with his car
MAGA patriot
My dog woke me up at 4 am to go out and do this
Hundreds of sheep have been walking around in circles for 12 days in mongolia
Ectopic pregnancy, salpingectomy
ITAP of a girl in mangrove forrest
Name this boy band
Got kicked in the face by a 17.1hh horse 😬
You really have to have some balls to post pictures like this one while saying you are looking for a relationship. This is from Tinder but I’ve seen few others like that one in Bumble and Tinder. Why???
Does anyone else have a truck that looks like this
Be careful about your next move
My little cousin came over and I think he tied something onto my dog’s leg??? (He doesn’t like her)
Anyone done the Blue Pearl Emerge or Ethos E-Vet or VEG emergency training programs?