Not the best at building, but I finally finished my Trophy Hall. Any bosses I missed?
What does 1000 85x10+ get you? 3 CR7, 3 Messi, 3 Ginola, 0 Kante and 0 Mbappe!
Finally after many hours of grinding... The Nymph Banner!
Who to use as CB?
Who should I play in the defense?
Who to choose?
Which team to build?
How to spend 1.5mil?
Anyone else getting stupidly good pack luck this promo?
Where to improve the squad? 2.6m coins to spend.
If you get transfer banned, is the next one a permanent ban
Is buying coins ok?
900k, and fodders flooding out my ears. What should i do?
Do i play like a Rat?
Who’s your favourite underrated evo? I’ll start:
Is this guy any good
Desperate for an English first owner striker!
Which pack should i buy
Do your 83×14 guys !
And now what I do??who do i play???
six week (gtfo puskas)
What we thinking?
Can I even use him?