Toe up vs cuff down
What am I? "I resemble the ..."
Guess my dog’s breed mixtures! (last picture is results)
Is there an ADHD med better than Vyvanse?
Not what I was expecting still adorable!
Imaginary play... did you guys pretend when you were young?
Is it ever too late to thwack?
My new way of doing paintings
New Era?
Do YoU SeE NOrMal PeOPle DoInG IT???
When were you officially diagnosed with Autism and ADHD?
Do all level of autism have meltdowns or only the “higher support needs” ones?
There can only be one.
Monthly AITA/Reddit Stories Suggestion Megathread
TMI Sexual talk women
Stop doing social rules
Foster has been adopted
Jobs/careers that suit Audhd?
Silly allistic Santa believer
No pics, but I have made progress!
Well I guess it's tomorrow now
How to knit a curved rainbow?
CD1 yesterday after a 62 day cycle - Checked Countdown to Pregnancy and it says our due date would be my husband's birthday 🤭🫢🫣🤞