Does it get better?
LF Dramione with teen drama vibes
Looking for story game that is MASTERPIECE
Quale manga hai appena iniziato? Raccontaci le tue prime impressioni!
Who are your top 5 favorite HxH characters so far?
Gon’s future
Just starting with One Piece
my favorite arcs ranked
What was your favorite fight in hxh ?
What was your favorite arc?
Nuovo mod in r/CercaManga
The Dank Continent — Weekly Low Effort Content and Off Topic Discussion (week of December 24, 2024)
WIND AND TRUTH | Full Cosmere + End of WaT Day 3 Discussion
Am I going to have to re read MoaM to feel something again?
Fantasy WhatsApp Best Read in 2023 Bracket Results
Stormlight Archives
One series you will always recommend.
Favorite Stormlight book (no WaT) and why?
Looking for fantasy academia recs
Suggest me a “classic” that you genuinely recommend.
Just finished The Will of The Many
Anything with this dynamic?
Hidden gem you have to read
Fancast: Bill Skarsgard as Draco Malfoy?
Any good webtoons?