I think wizard needs a nerf guys
Jurard is collabing with Iofi and SHIORI tomorrow!
i dont have a funny title for this one
Guys i'm a Grottox now
Netease PLEASE never listen to the fans
Lantern hat when?
Stun threshold. Keep dying from stuns...
I didn't know the Zombie had Hawkeye ult
A module with no monsters - I think Iron Mace reduced mob density a bit too much
I know Fighter hits hard, but DAMN
The asylums are empty
A goon can only dream
POV: when you ban namor (art by me)
I hope PVE is also for Veteran players
Did Tacet got buffed? How is he still invisible even when i'm touching him?
Why is it always the lower level maps
Namor has friends and they do drugs outside of arbys ends up
Does anyone know why the DPS on my skills doesn't change when i equip a new bow?
Ironmace is planning a PVE mode - proof/pic related
Hottake: this Games PvE is great the pvp is shit
Is this enough Demigods yet???
Ping Crimson strikes Dark and Darker
Let's be real, we know it's true
Split Skirt Suisei (@ZetacatArt)