Arthur won’t leave me alone
Tell me your favourite deck and I'll tell you why I hate it
Was not expecting that at all
Finally Omni forma is here
I’m trying to sell my Technocyte Coda but it says it’s no longer available?
Idk how to feel about current state of the game...
Who hurt you?
How to beat Bell Bearing Hunter
What's with the naming, ayo?
Insane technocyte coda name😭
[Riven] [PC] [WTS] 6,969p only lmk
Dante's True height? Me and my brother were having a heated discussion on this and I want you to decide
What's your Elden ring hot take
Give my Gauss prime fashion a name.
Ok Master Duel i get the message
Dex mfs doing the most anime type shit only to do no damege 😭
What's your mr, where are you in your progression and are you early/mid/late game?
I want to make a (not too Expensive) For-Fun deck to mess around with. I am considering Exosister or Ghoti. Do you have any other suggestions?
Any good deck list focused on stealing opponent's monsters?
Your last saved image loses to goku
Whats a weapon you feel you only like (mine is Jat Kusar)
Styanax fashion dump, which one do you like the most?
What's your favourite BASE Warframe design? (Excluding skins)
worst decks you spent too many URs on?