Barrow Dyad, hatchling refit
Bungie have for sure messed with the matchmaking in Supremacy
Barrow-Dyad Second Catalyst - What is up
What do I do with the devoured ogre in the new quest ?
Maligned Harvest makes Collective Obligation absolutely S-TIER this season!
I've been reporting these two bugs to the forums for other 5 months, and absolutely nothing has been done about it. Could someone actually do something about this?
Hey Warlocks - super fun time in PVP supremacy right?
I'm really into this season's story. It's a shame it had to get neutered by the strike
I thought supremacy was 6v6 not 8v2...
I would honestly prefer more new enemies along the lines of husks/grim/weavers to subjugators/tormentors
Hi, I'm terrible with writing script. Can anybody help me?
Why doesn't Tempest Strike proc Bolt Charge?
For accessibility purposes, can we get an option to turn off having to slide melee and just have it as a melee option?
Apparently, Hunters already won Guardian games.
Why don't Warlocks have a primary weapon DPS exotic?
Hunter IS Weaker Than T&W, How Can We Fix It?
The guardian games class item is now artifice
We should get a Wild West duel type gamemode.
Rushdown - What bosses do you anticipate on showing up tomorrow for the big battle?
Issues with HDR
What should i choose in my Tablet of Ruin?
If I buy the game on Steam, can my wife play with me on PS5?
Where was this amount of content in the other episodes?
If you could add/change/remove one thing from an exotic weapon, what would it be? Why?
Slide melee aspects should offer more on their original subclasses, prismatic offers them too much in comparison