I'm a bit shy in luck ig🥲🤌
this a good strategy for a newbie? how many one star ling to make it two star?
Best match ever
I'm famous🤓
Is Ling really that OP?
Dead Internet Theory is Real
Is the banning system a bit faulty?
Lone Wolf Go Go Card
What Does The Term "Reroll Comp" Mean?
I guess no one plays in my country.
Dead Internet💀
8x 5gold Heroes
Finally reached Mythic
Rya + nekrokeep mage fun combo
is lancelot the weakest 5 cost hero?
Name a better Gogo card combo
Who can tell, prediction or reaction time?
Is this canon
What the longest you've ever played?
Using Ling in Legend be like
[Flairs]Do we need them?
Humble request to people of sub🙏
U HAVE TO MARRY CAPELLA. WHO do you want her to turn into?