'Not realistic' for workers to assume what they learned in school will last all their working lives, says Singapore minister
Is PAP's Andy Lau taking acting classes from Edmund Chen?
Did I Make A Mistake?
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Market close in 10 mins, stock at 220.
We are losing jobs to low cost countries. How is voting opposition going to help?
Millennials if Reddit, in as much detail as possible, how do you eat your avocado toast?
Gotta dress like those cbd girlies to blend in
How to Avoid Losing Everything to Japan’s Inheritance Tax?
Why do we buy into the fearmongering of total country collapse and other scenarios?
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
I’m so sick of Singapore’s pride in a bunch of certs.
Will AI threaten your bank job? Customer service, compliance roles at higher risk, recruiters say
Desmond Lee doing his best not to say the m-word
PAP's INTEGRITY & MORAL SUPERIORITY — what did I miss? (help to compile please)
Why are filipino men into girls who look east asian while expats like girls who look like natives?
The average boomer supporting PAP
I sp lmw.
I am so tired of being gaslighted by PAP. Singaporeans not talents , only foreigners are talents. Government scholars are more capable because they did well in school (like General Umbrage). Who else is tired of these lies?
Is Indranee and Josephine going to take pay cut?
So what's Mr Leong MW asking, that cause TSL to speak Cantonese? He's asking if there's real job creation or simply reclassification. And whether Singaporeans gained from job created or was displaced into new employment. That's why he keeps asking for breakdown of data.
Hmm. 🤔
Minister TSL quotes Andy Lau's Blood Brothers in response to PSP LMW, "When I speak, you don't listen. Even when you listen, you don't understand. Even when you understand, you don't do it,"