My sister and I are polar opposite types. How can I bond with her?
Your MBTI and your 5 most used Emojis
MBTI and your fear
Kiss, marry, slap or hug
My best friend is rude to me
I know it's just a stereotype...but can "high Te" types be actually extremely lazy?
How to recognize if your male bsf likes you? question
I think my friend is jealous of me and idk what to do
How to recognize if your male bsf likes you?
What is your type, what type do you find the funniest, and what type tends to find you the funniest?
Why do almost all people hate ESTPs? Especially the ESTP 8w7 ones?
MBTI and making OCs
What's your MBTI and what are your top 3 most frequently used emojis?
Your mbti and your enneagram type
Would you rather be bored or stressed?
Why does guys act like that and how can I become friends with them?
How can I become friends with them and why they act like that?
8w7 vs 6w7
Is there anyone who wears white loose socks in 80s mode?
What’s the best and worst TAWOG episode?
Any metal pedals recommendations?
Why am I awkward around certain friends and chill around strangers?
Imagine you never played the games and watched the anime. What would you prefer: playing the games first and watching the anime after or watching the anime first and playing the games after.