AIO husband said he was surprised how unfit I am
Is it immoral for me, 35m, to be considering a FWB situation with a new 18f coworker because she's coming on so strong to me?
Am I ugly? I’m pretty sure I’m not but gained 30 lbs in the passed year so I feel ugly.
AIO over my partner's views on today's society?
are bodies like this considered skinny/fit and attractive?
In you opinion, who doesn't need makeup to look absolutely gorgeous?
Do BBLs improve appearance or do they look overdone?
What does my art taste like?
Everyone who is into men, which body fat percentage do you like the best? Which percentage do you like the least?
40F just turned 40 a week ago, looking for any advice ❤️ kind of feel blah
Can the average American man be considered attractive? The average American man is 5’8” at 199.8 pounds with a 40.5 inch waist and 28% body fat.
Are they really my friends or am i just being socially blind?
My fiancé has lied about his porn habits for seven years
How Can I approve appearance of my pale skin and make it glow better?
Nobody listened to my warning
At what age did you start to panic about your future?
How Can I make my Pale Skin Glow Better?
What will replace TikTok?
How do Tmobile trade ins work?
Why do medically overweight people comment on my body size?
People who jump from relationship to relationship.. how?
Husband (M32) went out on his birthday, did cocaine for the first time and spent $3k at the strippers
What I asked for vs. what I got
How do I deal with a greedy friend?
Scam Package from Amazon Vendor?