Cashed Another Streak
The way the basketball games and script is set up I'm deleting underdog until football season kicks back off.
It was an insane run but I can’t finish it boys. But I will rise again.
Omfg bridges is a whole fuckin fag bro.
I don’t know how yall have the balls to continue your streaks so far but I’m cashing out lmao
Mitchell banneddddd
Made this before I knew all the starters was out damnnn
What's going on with lamelo.....
Now I gotta restart again bro fuckkkkkk
Cash it or whatttttt lol
New streak.that you can tail at your own risk I'm about 85% sure it hits
Easy wins today. I feel it.
Is anybody else cashed bets still pending from yesterday?
Just talked my way into some bonus cash lol
Pending bets
If anybody has ever done streaks how long did it take to cash out after you press win now? Just curious
Close to $10k, what are your guys favorite picks for today? NBA/CBB/Tennis
Broo I'm mad ASF right now gotta restart the wholeeeee damn thing bro
Coming for that 5 grand
We thinking this hits? Golden State ain't really talking bout shit
Think this is a hit? Bro the warriors literally don't got no good players rn it's doable right??
Stats and picks are ass tonight guess I'll see what tomorrow has in store
One more pick :)
I know for a fact saquon just ruined a lot of streaks and parlays....
Think this will hit or I'll have to restart??