Brain fog
Favorite Paul Lyric?
What do you do with all of your spare time?
It sucks
Beatles fan first and foremost, but do The Rolling Stones rank high on your list?
Help me guys
I think I'm beginning to accept the real thing is probably just going to be overrated
Fun story
bring back hikimate
I'am not alright today 🙃
Would you guys say it's a fear or something else
I feel like people on the internet know the most authentic me. My family has a very limited idea of who I am, and that's sad.
my type of girl Is an hiki girl
Is being available all the time and having no hobbies considered unattractive?
anyone else doesnt talk to anyone since they left high school?
Nothing ever brings me pleasure in life
I boreddddddddddd
Are there any smaller neet/hiki discord servers?
Can Anybody Help Me Boost U2 and U3 Online Trophies?
Who’s the most Fun Player to Watch All-Time? (In terms of just pure excitement and entertainment)
rank these shooting guards 1-8 all-time.
How often do you bath/take a shower?
I had a minor step back
Japanese hiki got betrayed by Nike
i need friends