am i overreacting or is it a red flag?
Ροκ ραδιοφωνικοι σταθμοι; (Αθήνα)
I hate being female
How to convince my mother to let me go to a concert?
I can't even enjoy sitcoms
Am I overreacting for not wanting to be alone in class?
How did yall get through your senior year?
How to reach out to my crush?
I want to reach out to my crush but idk how
Bf asking to record us
My gf(14f) broke up with me
My boyfriend broke up with me because of SA
I want to pretend I’m studying but my desk faces the door
I want to reach out to him/pls help
I want to give up
What's a casual text I can send him?
Help? I want to text him
Οι καμπάνες της εκκλησίας είναι ηχορύπανση
I can't stop thinking about him. Idk what to do
Am I attractive? Be honest! (I'm m15)
I need advice on if he was into me/if I should text him/what to text. Please😭
i think my friend’s into me but i don’t like him like that
How can I study when every day is a crisis?