Sci-fi settings in strategy games are some of my favorite explorations of the genre
They should probably do blood testing and fuel their flamethrower.
My oil painting of Jean-Luc Picard, one of my all time favorite characters.
Replayed Styx: Master of Shadows, enjoyable despite its flaws
Need a new Tactical Turn-Based RPG
The Dev diaries should be called "the Dev of night".
CRPG recommendations
I like Spearman
Fitness Fables is on discount right now - top recommend from me if you're into VR workouts and haven't played it yet
I cosplayed the Rat
Any games that are like Command & conquer?
Since LE Season 2 is pretty much coinciding with both PoE/D4, you think that Mathil will maybe stream it at some point?
What upcoming indie games feel and look the most inspired to you?
My Crushes ❤️ /s Guys I'm Tired of These Posts
Looking for something large scale and long term
Why are RTS games so lazy with difficulty scaling?
Game to just have fun with
People claiming "too many bears" clearly haven't played past the first major area
I feel like we are so back once SH Crusader Definitive comes out - but what are you playing until then?
High Warlock Murdered Party
Tired of the social aspect of Antwerp or Belgium in general
Looking for a fantasy RPG game with similar atmosphere to The Elder Scrolls series
Open world exploration games for solo player with light crafting / collecting elements
Stronghold Crusader: Definitive Edition demo is up again (same maps)
The difference between what men think are attractive qualities to women vs what women find to be attractive in men.